Sunday, April 22, 2012

Negative People (parents?) in your life

Here's the very, very short version of a technique from our parent training: First, if it is not too emotionally disturbing, imagine the negative person's voice on the other side of a bullet-proof wall. You can see and hear him/her but you're safe. Now, imagine the negative person starting to say all those things he says that would upset you (but you're safe behind the wall). Notice where in your head his voice is coming from. When you can identify where the voice is coming from, move the voice over to the left side of your brain. Turn your head if you need to. When you can clearly hear his voice from the left side, move his voice down into your left shoulder... then your left elbow, (notice the voice is not nearly as loud or as strong as it was). Slowly move the voice down into your hand and, finally, into your pinky finger. As his voice moves to the end of your pinky imagine it getting higher and higher until his voice (saying all the things he says) is this faint, squeaky, high voice in your pinky. For ecology, ask your unconscious mind if it is ok to leave the voice in your pinky. Hope that helps. Again, lot's more in our online parent training.


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