Saturday, March 31, 2012

Should I enroll my "clumsy" daughter in team sports?

Hi Shana, Wow, there have been so many great informational posts, I can't even remember the last time someone actually asked a question. And you've asked a great one so here's my take on it.

When even I get students like your "other daughter", I always recommend against team sports. It's not just the physical demands. Most team sports require something I call, "peripheral awareness" as well as and quick reflexes (excellent reactivity under pressure). These are qualities that our more "introspective" and deeply thoughtful children may not have (the children that 'respond' to situations, rather than 'react' to them.

The sports I recommend are individual sports like tumbling/gymnastics, dance, martial arts, horseback riding, etc. A well-run martial arts school with emphasis on values and respect is always a good bet.

As an aside, you might see if her 'clumsiness' is the result of a developmental delay in processing information across her midlines. Try moving your finger back and forth about a foot away from her face. Do her eyes track together or do you see one eye pause for a moment while the other keeps moving then it jumps to catch up. Try going around in a circle and then from close to far.

Can she walk forwards and backwords touching her right hand to her left knee (when it comes up) and vice-versa (left hand to right knee) as she walks. Does she walk easily and smoothly or does she hesitate and pause and have to think about which hand is which.

Does she freequently loose her place when reading? Is she left-handed? or right-handed and left eye dominant. (look at an object and put your thumb in front of it. close one eye. if your thumb moves THAT is your dominant eye. If you thumb stays in front of the object, then the open eye is your dominant.

When she starts to walk, which foot does she begin walking with? That's likely her dominant foot.

the point here is that her "clumsiness" may have a distinct cause as well as a distinct solution. Hope that helps...



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